Saturday, July 12, 2014

Communication Assumptions

For this week's assignment we are to watch a show we haven't seen before and see what we can assume from watching with no sound.  The show I chose was 30 Rock starring Tina Fey.

From this episode I assumed that the show was based in a television studio.  Without sound I assumed that Tina Fey (Liz) seemed to be in charge of some people and subordinate to others.  I could tell from the way she communicated to certain people that they were subordinates.  There was a young woman in the studio who she seemed to be a mentor and mother figure to.  She had several heart to heart talks with her.  There was a also a woman her age, who seemed to be the star of the show Liz works on, who appears to be her friend.  Her boss seemed to be an intimidating figure to most of the staff.  Her boss's assistant seemed to be at the whim of the boss and frightened of him.  Liz often seemed frustrated and annoyed by her subordinates but attempted to appease her boss and Tracy Morgan's character.  I enjoyed this show.  It was really funny :D

After watching with the sound on, I found that many of my assumptions were right, but some where not.  I assumed that some characters were friends, but that was because one character (Tracy) was pretending to like the other one.  He was not Liz's boss, but she was in charge of his happiness.  I assumed that the Boss's assistant was just frightened of his boss but he really was protective of him; at the same time, he blamed Liz for things that went wrong in order to keep any heat off of himself; his dislike of Liz was more obvious in his words.

If I was familiar with this show or had watched it several times, I probably could have made better assumptions in regards to the plot and relationships.  Also, I was unclear about some of the relationships and one episode did not get me to understand all the connections simply by watching interactions.  It was interesting watching without sound because I was actually able to glean a lot more than I thought and definitely more that I could have if I had only been listening to it and had nothing visual to go on.  This tells me that body language and non-verbal cues are very important in communication and in being able to understand a situation.


  1. BethAnn,

    I too have never watched 30 Rock, which leads me to wonder how I would have thought about the comments you posted if I had seen the show before, maybe I would have been confused about your comments of the show or maybe I would have found your view to be very humorous. I too made some assumptions about the show that I watched that too were also incorrect. Now it leads me to wonder if I have done this to people I have met in real life based on how I have seem them from a far before I have actually got a chance to meet them.- Jolene Hernandez-Romero

  2. Bethann, I enjoyed reading your post never even hear of this show but from your assumptions I will record this show. In our book, it states that "The fact that we're fairly adept at deciphering these common expressions of emotion doesn't mean we're experts at decoding all facial expressions-especially since the human face capable of producing over a thousand different expressions" Saying that for me you saw a lot expressions that make me want to watch the show.

  3. Bethann,

    I've never seen 30 rock, but I enjoyed how you pointed out the characters professional relationships, especially the part about one being responsible for another's happiness. It also interesting that they all were not friends but appeared to be with the volume down. Its makes me wonder if this is how others would see us in our professional environment with the volume down.

  4. I have always wanted to watch 30 Rock but it came on when one of my regular shows was on. I am a fan of both Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan so I know it was funny. After reading your description I am going to look for episodes On Demand or Hulu.

  5. Hi BethAnn,
    In watching shows, sometimes we take for granted the nonverbal cues or behaviors. A lot of time we rely more on the verbal communications. I like what you said that in watching the show without the sound you realized that you were able to glean more than what you thought.
