Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The following are quotes from leaders and major contributors in the child development field.

"When we strengthen families, we ultimately strengthen the community. Our goal is that parents "When we strengthen families, we ultimately strengthen the community. Our goal is that parents everywhere work with supportive providers, feel confident in their parenting role, and form strong, resilient attachments with their children. To help achieve this, providers must be responsive to parents, knowledgeable about child development, and eager to see every parent succeed." 
"The message I most often emphasize to parents and caregivers is this: listen to the baby. Babies have so much they can tell us if we just know how to listen." 
 -T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., noted pediatrician 

"This brain research tells us that adults---not just parents, but teachers and providers too, function as either protective or risk factors in children’s development. And that means we must, as a society, do whatever we can to ensure that the teachers and providers who spend their days with children have the preparation, support and reward that allow them to play that protective role in children’s lives."
-Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D., Director of the Center for the Study of Early Childcare Employment, UC Berkeley

"When I think of the word passion and the meaning of the word, what comes to mind are what are my values, what are my beliefs?  What are the ideas that lead me to action?  What do I do so naturally that perhaps seems natural to me but may be challenging to others?"
-Letitia Lara, LCSW, Regional Manager, Outreach and Professional Development, Zero to Three 


  1. BethAnn, I enjoyed reading your quotes. I especially like the one by Dr. Brazelton. He is so right. Babies can communicate very well with us even though they cannot talk yet. When we take the time and learn how to listen to them, both babies and adults are rewarded. We should not underestimate the skills and capabilities of babies.

  2. BethAnn, the quotes you posted were worthwhile reading for early childhood practitioners. What I really liked about the words that you chose was the societal perspective on the role of parents and teachers in children's development. Ultimately, caring adults can help build successful families who will contribute to the community. Thanks for sharing the wise words of these contributors with us! -Susan
