Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This photo is of an art project my daughter did a couple of weeks ago.  We were painting and she has this habit of doing a great picture and then smearing over it with her hand and covering up her artwork. Like this:

In order to refocus her creativity, I painted a picture of a house with rainbows, clouds, trees and birds to show her that you can paint an actual picture of something.  It was very rudimentary but she was impressed, nonetheless!  So she then sat down and did this painting:

I was very proud of her creation and vision.  


  1. I LOVE the art work. What I love more is that you allow your daughter to create an artwork on her own. I have met many teachers and parents who try to make a child do exactly as an assignment is listed. I like when children create their own work and we get to see what their minds see it as. When my kids paint, draw, etc., I want to see what they come up with and hear their explanation. I want them to think and create for themselves, not make it what I want it to look like!

  2. I love your daughters creativity!! How old is your daughter? The second picture she painted looks like a lobster surrounded by sea shells. You have an artist on your hands! I love to look at children's artwork because it allows adults to see how children view objects.
