Saturday, March 15, 2014

New Course: EDUC 6163: My Research Journey

This course is entitled Building Research Competencies.  This week I am to post the topic that I am interested in that will serve as my research topic simulation.  I chose challenging behavior in young children, with subtopics of factors that contribute to the behavior, the difference between misbehavior and developmentally appropriate behavior and how to deal with both, and the role of parenting in challenging behavior.  I chose this topic because it is an issue that I deal with on a daily basis as a child development center director working with children in the classrooms.  I have found myself sometimes without a clue as to how to help a child who consistently displays inappropriate behavior, and nothing I or my colleagues do seems to help the behavior.  I would like to gather more information about why these behaviors occur and what can be done for to correct some of the more common ones.


  1. Hey BethAnn, this is a great topic to discuss. I too am curious to learn about challenging behavior in young children. We all can benefit from learning about this as it is something we have all experienced at some point. Sometimes dealing with this behavior can become more difficult when the parents do not work as a team with the teacher and director in trying to improve the situation. On a few occasions I have gotten good advice on challenging behaviors from I love that website. I look forward to reading your blog each week and learning about what you find.

  2. BethAnn, challenging behaviors are difficult to deal with. I am sure you will find tons of information related to your topic. One thing that always baffles me is how a children can be "good" for a long time and all of the sudden his behavior changes without warning. As Jalice stated, dealing with these behaviors without the parents help makes things much more stressful. I have the advantage of calling in a mental health resource to help, but on some occasions I had to dismiss the child from my center.

  3. Great topic choice. I am looking forward to reading some of your findings through the blog and discussion boards. On a personal note, does your school offer assistance through the county on behavior management policies or strategies? Also would make a great resource for your topic!

  4. Very interesting topic. We are faced with behavioural problems from children and it is true, there are many times we do not know how to deal with the issues. I am going to follow you closely so that I can learn from you on this journey. Many times we have the tendency to treat behavioural problems with a 'band aid' or just ignore the problem. All the best in your research.
