Friday, March 21, 2014

My Ultimate Research Dream

If I could conduct research on any topic in child development that would have long lasting benefits to society, I would conduct research on common core standards and its effect on the early childhood field.  I personally have concerns regarding common core and its top down approach to education.   The fact that it was produced by the National Governor's Association does little for me in the way of convincing me of the educational value of the standards.  According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (2012), the focus on only two standards, and the absence of social-emotional development and approaches to learning is of great concern.  I would like to research how this is going to affect children's outcomes and if it is actually going to be beneficial.

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2012).  The common core standards: Caution and opportunity for early childhood education.  Retrieved from


  1. Beth Ann, this stands to be an interesting research. I had the very same question in the back of my mind. What are the effects National Core will have on our early learners? Right now, Louisiana teachers are going through special workshops to engage in this new pedagogy. It promises to create critical thinking in our children. This conceptual framework perhaps sounds great to our officials and certain stakeholders, but in reality there is much more that is entailed. I wish you the best in research!!

  2. BethAnn, not only is there an absence of social-emotional learning, but also play. Children need to play to learn and the perhaps the common core is blocking this? There is too much emphasizes on the standardized testing that teachers are finding it hard to let children learn as they should.

  3. BethAnn, I am very interested in the effects of the common core standards. Young children learn best by being surrounded by what interests them and these standards just seem to ignore that element. Some teachers are struggling to stand by them and that has to say something. I share your concern with it being produced by the National Governor's Association. I look forward to any enlightening information on the subject and what the future holds for this "educational" attempt.

  4. I have really enjoyed reading your blog post I also believe that common core standards is an important topic to do research on. In my opinion any research done in children is very important and should be studied. Children are our future, and as much research as possible should be done to ensure they are living a healthy life.

  5. BethAnn,
    That is a really interesting and timely idea for research. I know so many teachers are opposed to it but having some research and data to back up their opinions would be beneficial. It would truly be fascinating to see the outcome of some long term research on this topic.

  6. Sharmel,
    Everyday I have to deal with standards in early childhood.Sometimes I feel very frustrated with the job because I believe the standards can are asking too much of our practitioners and sometimes seem unrealistic. I am lookig forward to reading more about the subject area and how it can be used to enhance early childhood and not work against it.
