Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Time Well Spent

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~Newt Gingrich

This is it!  My final blog post!  I am at the end of my master's program and will soon have that hard earned diploma in my hand.  As I turn the page on this chapter, I want to say a thank you to all my colleagues who shared this journey with me.  Congratulations to all of you who set out to accomplish your goals.  You did it!  And thank you to my instructor, Johnna Darragh.  I really appreciated your encouraging words and support throughout the classes I had with you.  

Going through this program was difficult.  I sacrificed time with my family, stayed up late and worried a lot.  Now that it is over, I am not sure what to do with myself.  All I know is that I had three really important reasons that started me on this journey and stuck with me through it all.  And here are two of them:

 I learned so much during this program, it is hard to narrow it down to only two or three things.  I see the impact this course has had on my professional knowledge every day at work.  I feel it in the confidence I have when I talk about the field.  I know the knowledge I gained has made me a stronger leader and a turned me into a real teacher.  As I move on to more challenging positions in my career, I can feel confident that I have the skills to be successful and be able to build on them as I work toward the next step in my career progression.

I want to leave you with one more quote:

"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places."~Author Unknown  

We got to this place because we did not give up, we kept on going, always looking toward that dim light at the end of the tunnel.  Week after week, course after course that light got a little brighter.  And now here we are outside of that tunnel and into the light of new opportunities!  Congratulations, everyone!  Job well done, time well spent!



  1. Dear BethAnn,
    Congratulations. I feel the same as you about how hard that was to accomplish. Every time I had to tell my kids that I was too busy to play with them, it broke my heart. I can now enjoy every minute with them and won't be glued at my computer for awhile.

    I also feel that I am now so much more knowledgeable about the field that I was before. All the things I thought I knew, I now know for sure and have the research to prove it.

    It feels so good to have achieved something I did not know I could do before I started.

  2. Hello BethAnn,
    I want to start out by saying those are really beautiful pictures of your children and I applaud your efforts. I do not have a family of my own yet but that is definitely in the future and I know it has to be hard at times to put family to the side to work on this accomplishment. But this is definitely for the good and your family loves you know matter what and that hard work will reflect onto your children. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in life to help better not only ourselves but family as well. It maybe tough, but in the long run it will be very beneficial. I want to congratulate you on your success and I wish you and your family nothing but the best of luck! Keep that strong confidence within yourself and I guarantee it will reflect onto your children and family as a whole.

  3. Hi BethAnn,
    You are absolutely right, time well spent. I concur with you, as I too sacrificed a lot of time with my family. My family also traveled with me on this journey. I must say, it feels soooo good to be at the end. I look forward to my future progression in my professional field and I wish you all the best.

  4. Beth Ann, I could have said it better myself. This was a huge sacrifice of time with family, but we made it through. Congratulations and hopefully our paths will meet again!

  5. BethAnn,
    Well said! So well said I became emotional. We chose this journey and we all have seen names come and go on the discussion board, but we made it. I have to say until I asked my children how they felt that I was completing, I didn't realize how my home life suffered a bit, but I they all agree that it was something we had to endure and it will one day benefit my family as a whole greatly.
    I too, feel more confident that I have more knowledge and experiences behind me to lead and couch staff and parents.
    Honestly it is almost as if I have had a weight lifted of my shoulders and it has been replaced with excitement and anticipation of what the future will bring. To give you an analogy my professional door has been cut taller and bigger in that I have many more opportunities open to me.

    BethAnn, thank you for all of your contributions.I learned from you and enjoyed your posts.
    Many blessings sent your way!

  6. Hi BethAnn,
    Thank you for all the contributions you have made in this course, I have really learned a lot from you! I wish you all the best with your career and your beautiful family!

  7. Congratulations BethAnn!! I am so happy we made it to the end. I enjoyed reading your discussion posts.

    I wish you the very best as you forge ahead.

  8. Congratulation BethAnn, you have provided me with such positive feedback and questions that made me look back and see what i needed to do to succeed. Thank you and good luck in the future.

  9. BethAnn,
    It has been a pleasure knowing you and the wealth of valuable information you have shared. I treasured your encouraging words. I hope I encouraged you too. I am sure that as a valuable educator you will achieve all your dreams. The road was long and sometimes narrow but we succeeded. Good Luck in the Future!!! Mochacinnamon@aol.com
