Wednesday, April 8, 2015

International jobs and roles in the ECE community

This week I will be discussing jobs and roles in the international ECE community.  There were several organizations that caught my eye when I was looking for some to share with you.

The first one is The World Association of Early Childhood Educators (2012).  Their core mission is to advocate for the development of every child, to educate their members in the latest research and information in early childhood education, help educators to network, and bring to light the importance of the early years. The first thing I noticed on their site was "Hot Topics" and the first one was "How brains are built: The core story of brain development".  I thought this was great because the challenge I chose for this course was nurturing brain development in young children.  I didn't see any links to career opportunities, but there is the option of becoming a member of the group and networking with other ECE professionals.

The second organization I found was the Association for Childhood Education International (2011).  Their mission is to promote and support the optimal education, development, and well-being  of children worldwide. They advocate for children, but also train and educate teachers and care providers.  They have many ways to help members further their education, including CDA programs, grants, scholarships and awards.  The work with many partners around the world and within the United Nations, as well.  Opportunities to get involved with the organizations seem to start with memberships or internships.  

The third organization I want to share is UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.  This organization is dedicated to building peace, eradicating poverty and building international dialogue, mainly through focus on education throughout the world.  This organization actually listed job opportunities and they seem to range from highly skilled positions to office and administrative support.  One thing that caught my eye about this organization is their campaign to create equality in education for girls and women around the world.   

Association for Childhood Education International. (2011).  Retrieved from

The World Association of Early Childhood Educators. (2012).  Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2015). Education for the 21st century.  Retrieved from


  1. Dear BethAnn,
    Thank you for these resources I can add to my list. I did not know of the first two and they could actually be very useful to me for my capstone project because they could be a platform for me to spread my mission of anti-bias education.

  2. I always learn something new from your post! Thank you for adding new resources to my favorite’s tab. Professionally, I always look for organizations who have similar goals but different perspectives, especially internationally where issues are much of the same that we face in the US.

  3. BethAnn, the World Association of Early Childhood Educators is new to me. I will need to research this site. I am wondering if they accept research entries to add to their site. It would be interesting to see what best practices are in other countries. All three of your choices are great advocates for early childhood education. Thanks.

  4. Hi BethAnn
    Great resources that you provided. I am interested in the World Association of Early Childhood Educators. I would love to be able to contact other early childhood professionals from around the world and discuss our programs together. I am sure that we do things a bit differently from one another so it would be so interesting to hear how their programs run. I think this would be a great learning opportunity for both parties. It would also be interesting to see if the issues we have in the field in the United States are the same as the issues from around the world.

  5. Hi BethAnn,
    Thank you for sharing information about the The World Association of Early Childhood Educators, I also watched the Hot Topics video you mentioned and I found it very informative!
    Great post!

  6. Hello BethAnn, and thank you for these great resources. I especially feel that The World Association of Early Childhood Educators is a valuable site. I have never heard of this before, but just while quickly perusing the site, I am definitely bookmarking for further discovery. Early Childhood is important all over the world, and many times I forget that there is so much more than what is going on within my little "world" so to speak. This is a site that connects us all to the vast amount of information regarding our passion.

  7. Hi BethAnn, I chose almost the same topics. I like that fact that most of them not only work for our children but for many children and families across the globe. Thanks for the great information.
