Monday, November 4, 2013

Relationship Reflection

"No man is an island entire of itself, each man is a part of the continent, a part of the main". 
~ John Donne, 1624. 

This week we are discussing the importance of family relationships and partnerships.  Relationships and partnerships are important because, as John Donne said so eloquently, we are all part of a larger system.  There are many instances in life where we cannot function as just the individual, we need others. Human nature compels us to form relationships, which help society function.  The partnerships and relationships I have in my life are few in number, but that is okay.  Each has a give and take that provides me with something I need and something the other person needs.

The first, and most important, relationship in my life is with my husband.    We have not just a relationship, but a partnership.  We work together to raise our children and support our family, financially and emotionally.  My husband is my friend and partner and an essential part of my support system.  What makes our relationship a partnership is that we are working together toward a common goal as parents and spouses, which makes it different from most of my other relationships.

Another relationship that is important to me is the one I have with my mother.  She has always been there for me and did her best to raise me and my sisters to be competent, independent women.  We now have a relationship that is mutual in that she can ask me for advice and I feel fine offering it to her.    

The other significant relationship in my life is with my sisters.  We have been able to form friendships over the years as we left childhood and school behind, got married and started raising families of our own.  Though we all live in different states, modern day communication allows us to stay in touch and support each other.  As the oldest, it has always been my job to take care of them, but it is nice to now be able to have mutual relationships where they can help me now, too.  

Leaving home and forming adult relationships outside of my family was a difficult experience for me at times.  It took time and maturity, but I have learned that the relationships we form in life, while some are temporary and others are long lasting, each have something to contribute to us as individuals.  Just like a garden, relationships and partnerships require care, attention, and maintenance.  
Professionally, the best experience I have had in learning about partnerships and family relationships has been in working with children and their families.  I am constantly learning how to navigate the intricacies of each individual family's dynamic and how to adjust to their comfort level when it comes to building relationships with them.  


  1. BethAnn,
    Thank you for sharing! I love the pictures and appreciate everything you had to share this week. I agree with your closing statements about the field we work in. The best way to learn about relationships and partnerships is by actually learning from experiences of working with the children and their families. They have so much to teach us, just as we have much to teach them!

    Ashley Richards

  2. I enjoyed reading about your family BethAnn! It is wonderful to have such quality and supportive relationships. I like the quote by Donne. It is so true! We work together for the greater whole, which, in my opinion often returns its rewards to the individual. I too am learning to navigate the intricacies of each of the families I come in contact with. A challenge I look forward to!
    ~Jalice Klein

  3. Beth Ann~
    Your blog is gorgeous! The color scheme is awesome and inviting! You have a lovely family. I’m also a military spouse. I agree with your husband being a support system. My husband is my best friend! Thanks for sharing such a lovely blog!

  4. BethAnn,

    First I would like to so that you have such a beautiful family and the pictures you shared show that you all have strong relationships. I felt a sense of warmth from reading your post and it made me feel that you are an individual that focues on your family and that they come first. Not a lot of people know how to develop strong and lasting relationships and are left to make decisions and choices by themselves. I am also a strong supporter of my family and would do anything for them. The things that I have learned I want to be able to share them and pass them along to my children. Like you, my children are my heart and I feel that I am one that has to raise them to be productive, independent, and caring women. I wish you and your family the best and continue to carry on those lasting relationships and partnerships!

  5. Hi BethAnn,

    You have a wonderful family and a great support in your relationships!! I agree that relationships require care, attention, and maintenance, just like a garden. And, I also agree that we must continue to grow and develop our skills. Relationships have a 'shelf life' and must be cultivated every day to grow and mature. Thanks for sharing your family with us!

  6. John Donne quote is perfect because no man can do it all by himself. Your family is inspiring and i enjoyed reading the details of how they inspire you
