Sunday, October 20, 2013

When I think of child development...

I am now in the last week of my second MSED course, Early Childhood Development.  I want to share a few quotes and ideas I think are important when thinking about child development.

"Free the child's potential and you will transform him into the world." ~Maria Montessori

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono/

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." ~Frederick Douglass

While Frederick Douglass was not a child development expert, he was a man who saw the best and worst in humanity.  Douglass was born a slave in Maryland in 1818, but, with the help of friends, was able to escape to freedom in Pennsylvania around the age of 20.  He knew something about good people and bad people.  I believe this quote from him is very relevant to the importance of proper love, nurturing and education of children.  

Finally, the video below talks about how the science of early childhood development is showing the importance of early intervention in early childhood.


  1. Hi BethAnn,
    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the valuable and insightful information you have brought to this course through discussions and blog entries. Thank you for all your hard work and effort; it is much appreciated. Good luck as you move forward with the program.

  2. BethAnn, what great information! Love the video! It gives wonderful insight on how development continuously builds on previous knowledge and experiences. It is so important to understand how early care and intervention is more effective in producing positive results than later intervention. Just like the quote from Frederick Douglas. He is a wonderful man to read about. I am going to have to share this video with other educators and parents. Thank you for this good information and all the other wonderful posts you make! I wish you all the best as you continue your journey in this Master's program!
    ~Jalice K.

  3. BethAnn,

    I really enjoyed reading the quotes you posted as well as the video. I see we have some of the same interests and views about child development because some of the quotes you posted, I thought about using them. I really like the one that you posted by Maria Montessori. Basically we are working hard to mold the next generation into productive citizens. We are basically trying to get them to open up to the world and take in all the knowledge and skills possible. We have a long journey ahead of us but the reward at the end is well worth it.

  4. BethAnn,

    I want to truly say thank you for participating and providing us with such good information. It seems that you are dedicated to helping children and that you care about their well being. It has been great reading your discussion posts and the replies to the your classmate's posts. I wish you the best of luck and if you ever need anything feel free to contact me! See you at the finish line.

  5. BethAnn,
    Thank you so much for sharing valuable information with us. Wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors! We definitely learned a wealth of information from the class resources and by collaborating as a class.

  6. BethAnn,
    Thank you for inviting me into your world each week through your blog post. I see the care you put into every word you saying showing your respect for the field and your heart for children. Keep up the great work. I hope to read more from you.
